
Name                                   : Delman  Deler  Maulod  Rasul

Date & Place of Birth        : 1st/ July 1987 / Erbil – Iraq

Marital status                     : Married

Home address                     : Iraq- Erbil, Eskan            

Telephone number             :   +964 7704220770 (Mobile)

E-mail                                  :  ,                                          



1-Baccalaureate, (Koya High school for boys), 2005.

2-B.Sc. degree in Animal Resources, 2009/ College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Salahaddin- Erbil

3-M.Sc. Degree in Avian physiology, 2015 /College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Salahaddin- Erbil.

4- PhD student currently



A- Scientific Posts

1-Assistant lecturer from      14/11/2018

2- Lecturer from                       03/01/2023


Places of Posts:-

1- Department of Animal Resources ,College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences , University of Salahaddin- Erbil from 22/10/2009 till now


B- Administrative Posts

1-    Assistant manager of Grdarasha farm/ College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences / University of Salahaddin/ 2014-2016.

2- Member of quail and laying hen breeding committee.

3- Member of physiology laboratory committee.


Letters of thanks and appreciations

More than 15 letters of thanks and appreciations


Title of M.Sc. Thesis

Effect of Different Levels of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Leaves Powder on Reproductive Traits in Broiler Breeder and Immune Response in Hatching Chicks